I focus on my Breath


I set my intention for strength,

I focus on my breath.

Ujjayi breath.

It cleanses,



gives me strength.

We breathe in together, out together.

Our collective breath gives me the engery

to do what I otherwise would not have the courage, strength, spirit to do.



4 thoughts on “I focus on my Breath

  1. As soon as I read your poem I opened a tab and looked up Ujjayi breath. Your poem is filled with strength and courage. The breathing sounds wonderful.
    Did you notice the pattern your poem made? A semi-circle. The words you chose have meaning, and the shape they make create art.
    Love the thought of setting our intention to strength

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My good friend had a battle with cancer 8 years ago and I had to remind her more than once to center her breathing. It most certainly DID give her strength and courage! Your words remind me of how important….no vital…..our breathing is for more than just taking in oxygen!


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