There’s Something About Kids and Water

“Do we have to wear our coats?” Today was my recess duty day. After a long winter of wearing my snow pants, coat, neck gator, mittens, and hat I was able to go outside with – nothing extra on but my puddle boots. The playground is one big melting mess with puddles and streams running through melting snow, ice, and mud. The kids were required to wear snow pants and boots to keep their clothes dry. But no coats! Just try to keep kids out of water – it’s not possible. There is a magnetic attraction. Some teachers get really perturbed with the kids playing in the puddles. When I look down at the streams of water running across the playground I am taken back to my own childhood. I remember a similar spring day when I found a stream of water amongst melting the ice and snow. I took off my boots and socks, rolled up my pant legs and waded in. It was exhilarating! It was mystical. I was really getting away with something. This memory is one of my most treasured. So when I see the school kids wading into the water as if drawn by some overwhelming unconscious power. I remember the feeling. Oh, I remember!

3 thoughts on “There’s Something About Kids and Water

  1. I am not going to lie… I would be right in with the children in the puddles. It would bring me back to my childhood as well. You are only a child once, but you don’t have to take the child out of you!

    Thanks for sharing!


  2. This post made me smile – there really is something magnetic about the attraction between kids and puddles! Whenever we are anywhere, if my sons see a puddle – especially my four-year-old – they cannot help themselves. They walk, no run, to it and splash. Of course, then they complain that their socks are wet (head smack!).


  3. I really appreciate that you understand where your kids are coming from because you experienced the same elation with jumping in the water! Those kids you teach are lucky to have such an empathetic teacher!!

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