
  1. Girlfriends who always have Fun in mind,
  2. A husband who takes care of all the shopping and cooking and caters to my vegetarian diet,
  3. A sister who understands – no explanations necessary,
  4. Teaching colleagues who are generous, grounded, supportive, and innovative,
  5. A principal who puts family first – every time,
  6. Two sons who teach me how to be a better person every day,
  7. My yoga mat – have mat will travel for relaxation and inner peace,
  8. My coffee press that provides me with a great cup of coffee every morning so I don’t need to pay for a good cup,
  9. My reliable boots that I bought when my now 18 year old son was 3,
  10. My dog, Casey, who is always up for a run, a walk, or a game of grab the dish towel.Casey feb 2016.JPG

3 thoughts on “Blessings

  1. I think periodically we all should stop to reflect and write down our greatest blessings. That act seems to make them more concrete and to cause me to really think about how wonderful my life is, no matter what difficulties I face.Thanks for sharing your blessings.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all – look at that beautiful dog!!!! The two of you are smiling so big! Second – I will definitely adopt this structure for myself. Thanks for showing me the way. I often sit and think about how grateful I am but I haven’t been able to find a way to slice about it. Got it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. Actually, I wanted to list things I’m thankful for without sounding pretentious or self-obsessed. I actually am not very good at counting my blessings so this was a good exercise for me. Thanks for reading my post.


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